Overhead Dust Removal

Overhead Dust Removal

Creating a clean and healthy working environment.

Dust build-up is an eyesore and not pleasant to see in a facility's overhead structures. It's also environmentally healthier for Plant employees to keep dust accumulation at a minimal. Since buildings constantly move and vibrate, dust will fall down into the air where employees work. Cin-Cray takes great pride in doing a thorough job and will vastly reduce dust from falling from above. Dust is also a fire hazard, depending on what products are being produced. If dust is allowed to build-up and not kept under control it could potentially contribute to an explosion. Keeping dust build-up to a minimal will also help to meet lower insurance rates. Most Insurance Companies require a Plant's dust level to be maintained so that it does not go beyond a certain level. Cin-Cray Power Vacuum Service Company will do just that. 
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